This is my last entry in Hjertebodens Julebloggs challenge of makeng 3 christmascards each month - I've managed the whole year now! And I'm NOT tired of making christmascards AT ALL! I still have many creative ideas to find time to...
I have made three giftboxes with a chocolatebar inside.
I made the boxes of Kraft cardstock, then decorated them with panels cut out of Papirdesigns "Vintertid" with norwegian santas drawn by Kjell Midthun.
I think these papers are absolutely fantastic! In an ordinary bookshop I bought some cards and tags with the same images to have even more possibilities with these papers.
(I've even seen mugs with these santas and little figures of them...)
All edges, both on the box and on the panels are distressed, but that is pretty much all I've done with it - the papers and images are so beautiful itself I feel I don't have to do much with them - almost feel a little afraid to run them through the cutter...
The "lids" on the boxes have a magnet, to close properly.
On the backside I used a cutout from the paper, with lines on, where we can write a little greeting.

Hjertebodens Juleblogg - The last month in the 3 christmascard a month challenge
Vintage Udfordring - Værtindegave til jul eller nytår
The ABC Challenge - F for Frosty
Craft Us Crazy - Christmas and/ or Humorous
DYSU Challenge - Winter
NSHK - Julekveld
Creative Card Crew - Tis the Season
Crazy4 Challenges - Santa
Crafty Hazelnuts Christmaschallenge - Anything Goes for Christmas
Christmas Crafting - Santa Claus is Coming to Town
The next pictures show the boxes in front, opened and the backside, three pictures of each card, if you'd take the time to see :)

These are awesome, stunning and beautiful!! Your children's teachers will love these, I know I do. Love the papers and little tags you used. And of course the chocolate is a great addiction, I mean addition also lol
SvarSlettThanks for joining us at Craft Us Crazy
Åååå så nydelige disse var!!
SvarSlettKjempefint pyntet:-))
Takk for at du deltar hos Nordsalten Hobbyklubb.
What a great idea! Fabulous projects! Thanks for joining us at Christmas Crafting this month!xx
SvarSlettOMG, I love your chocolate boxes and I absolutely ADORE those fabulous images....I would love to know where I can buy them!!!! They are sooo precious and what lucky teachers...WOW!!!!!
SvarSlettFantastic idea! Love the papers and images you used-gorgeous! Thanks for joining us at DYSU.
SvarSlettMMMMmm I love your candy boxes. Thanks joining over at for the CCC. Hope you can play in our new challenge!
SvarSlettSuper idea
SvarSlettkitten - DYSU team
Thank you for joining in at Christmas Crafting this month. I really love vintage cards and your are great examples.
SvarSlettDisse var jo skikkelig lekre. Stilige fjøsnisser. Tusen takk for at du deltar hos NordSalten Hobbyklubb.
Vilka vackra askar du har gjort! Bilderna på tomtarna är ursöta. Tack för att du deltar i Vintage udfodring. Lycka till!